In just a few months, you could be confidently reading astrology charts in an in depth, empowering, soul-centered way.

SAS is my signature program packed with everything I've learned over the past 5+ years as an astrologer.

You'll learn everything you need to give astrology readings. All in one in depth program, from A to Z.

Whether you are an aspiring astrologer or you just feel called to deepen your astrology skills...


You get 30+ hours (!!!) of video lessons dripped over the 6 months, with monthly group lives/replays to ask questions, get practice, and build confidence. By the end you can earn your certificate of completion &  graduate as a spiritual astrologer🪐 

10 Month Payment Plan
IT'S TIME!!!🎉🎉🎉

Spiritual Astrology School: My In Depth 6 Month Program

Your step-by-step guide to knowing exactly how to take your astrology knowledge and reading skills from just good or informative to...


These are actual words I've had clients tell me in my readings, and in SAS I'm showing you how YOU can give readings like this too.

Spiritual Astrology School

SAS is for you if:

  • You LOVE astrology and would like to be able to glance at your birth chart or upcoming transits and really understand, to be able to break it down and know what to prioritize.
  • You want to know how to read charts for others too, whether friends or clients. Helping them feel seen and validated and so grateful for your help and knowledge!
  • You want the confidence that comes from looking at a chart in such an in depth way that you're able to see what others don't even know to look for.
  • You want an all-in-one, comprehensive astrology program that allows you to set your own flexible study schedule while still having the accountability and support of 6 group lives at the end of each month.
  • You want to learn the JUICY stuff too like lunar nodes, aspect configurations, solar returns, natal rx, degree theory, progressions, goddess asteroids, and more!
  • You want to finally put all the pieces of a chart together and feel so confident you don't even have to double check or google a thing-- you'll easily blend it all together and read any chart put in front of you in a spiritual, meaningful way.

SAS Testimonials

Read what graduates have to say about the program!!🥺💓

Allie D.

""Astrology is the map to your soul and SAS is the key. Taking this course has taken my understanding of astrology to a whole new level... When I started I knew about a lot of components of astrology, but my knowledge was pretty disjointed. SAS really helped me to have a deeper understanding of each component; signs, houses, planets, etc. The way that you taught us to blend things together, helps SO much with interpretation of mine and other peoples charts. I can now connect the dots so much faster, and read the chart like a story.... I have especially learned so much about myself through taking this course. My eyes were opened to my potential, to my talents, and even to the parts of me that weren't so obvious. I now have an awareness of what parts of me need more grace, integration, healing, and appreciation! Thank you Maxine for bringing this program to life!"

Amanda B.

"I'm so grateful for the immense amount of work that Maxine has poured into this program! It covered so much more than I was expecting. Before starting SAS I felt like I was at a pretty intermediate level with my self taught astrology knowledge. Now that I've finished SAS I feel confident in calling myself an astrologer without hesitation. Before SAS I was hesitant to read charts for anyone because I wasn't conifident in my understanding or ability to communicate things, but now I'm eager to give all my friends reading and practice more and more. Maxine was so encourgaging and easy to connect with on my learning journey. I'm also so grateful that this course was self paced. It's designed to be a 4 month course, but it took me about 8 months with all of lifes ups and downs. I never felt pressured or left out. I got to each lesson exactly when I was meant to <3"

Caitlin W.

"If you are on the fence about taking this course, do it. You will NOT regret it and it worth the time and money. Before signing up for SAS, I was looking for courses, but none truly felt right or fit into my life and timing needs. When Maxine released this course, it was truly divine timing in action. The course is full of all the information you need to become knowledgeable and confident in practicing astrology from a spiritual perspective. I finished the course in 4 months. It never felt like "work" because it was fun and I loved everything I learned and spending time putting it into practice. Now that I am finished, I know that I have the talent and knowledge to feel confident practicing astrology. It helped me understand myself and often made me emotional while practicing reading my chart and the charts of friends/family that I used throughout my learning. It absolutely solidified what I always knew to be true: ASTROLOGY IS REAL. This course has changed my life! Maxine is a brilliant teacher with so much knowledge to share. It was a blessing to be a part of her founding SAS class."

Marci W.

"This is an excellent astrology course for anyone who is just beginning or even with a couple years of experience.  Maxine does an excellent job taking what could be very abstract concepts, describing them in a very down-to-earth manner and giving easy-to-follow guidance on how to put it all together.  It's clear how much passion and joy Maxine has for astrology, it comes through on each video lesson.  It would have taken me *years* of individual study to get to the level I am today without Maxine's course.  It is very comprehensive and I look forward to utilizing this language going forward."


Laura B.

"If you're insecure if the course is worth the money I just can say YES. I'm a super critical Capricorn rising with high expectations and I've made often the experience that people do somehow good marketing but in the end you don't really get what they promised. With SAS it is different. Everything Maxine promises you will learn in this course you will learn. Further, she is an extremely kind and dedicated teacher."


Daniela S.

"Enrolling in a spiritual astrology course transformed me from a novice to confidently reading birth charts. Unexpectedly, it fueled my spiritual growth, offering profound insights into my past and future. There's a wealth of information, truly a one-stop for any astrology level/journey. With a flexible timeline, it provided me the opportunity to navigate life's challenges while still completing the course."

Joanie W.

"Maxine's Spiritual Astrology School course is incredible. The amount of information Maxine shares with you in such a supportive and guiding way is incredible, the course covers so many topics that you really feel confident that you have the tools to interpret birth charts and other astrological techniques in a short amount of time. The video lessons are very accessible and are themed and structured in a way that supports you through the process at a great pace, and Maxine has been so generous and kind with her knowledge throughout the programme. It's also a great opportunity to connect with others who are interested in astrology and hoping to start to share astrology with others, which is a beautiful platform to start building a community of likeminded people. Thank you Maxine for your time, wisdom, knowledge, love and patience throughout this course. It really has allowed me to feel confident and increased my love for astrology and knowing that this is something I really want to share with others."

Sophie K.

"I have already recommended your course to my friends! I found the course so helpful in taking a much deeper dive into astrology! I thought I knew a lot until I did this course and now I realise I was just a beginner! My skills are so much more advanced and I feel enriched through my learnings with Maxine. I went from lacking confidence to now giving client readings every week. I never dreamed that would be possible! Maxine is such a good teacher and explains astrology in great depth but makes it simple and easy to understand . She has taken so much time to pay attention to every detail to make sure we understood each topic. Maxine has been a great support and I would (and have!) recommended SAS to my friends! Thank you Maxine! Xxx"

Alexis C.

"I am endlessly grateful for my decision to invest in Spiritual Astrology School! This course nurtured my seed of curiosity into a blossoming understanding of what it means to explore astrology from a soul-centered perspective. The bite-sized classes fit perfectly into my busy lifestyle and I found myself genuinely excited to sit down and study. The whole program flowed seamlessly from one topic to the next. I felt so supported through the entire process! I was so surprised at how well I was able to integrate the information I was learning into my understanding of my own birth chart and those of family/friends! I now feel empowered to share my interpretations with others which was something I had previously only dreamed of. I'm so happy that I decided to listen to my intuition and invest in this incredible opportunity. I have a whole new appreciation for my unique natal chart now thanks to this course and I am so excited to continue my astrology journey. Thank you Maxine for sharing your wisdom so beautifully! xxx"

In SAS you will learn spiritual, evolutionary astrology😍😍😍

This is a more modern, psychological approach to astrology. And it has its roots in astrology's mystical origins-- which in my opinion are far too often overlooked.

In SAS you will go far beyond the surface level and awaken to the deeper meaning of your birth chart, transits, and more.

And you learn astrology anchored in love, light, & free will!!!✨

So if you're looking for fatalistic, doom and gloom, fear-based astrology, this is not the course for you. You won't find that here.

But if you are ready to master the skill of reading astrology charts in an empowering and heart-centered way? Astrology for spiritual guidance to help you co-create and honor your soul's journey?

Well, then I truly believe you've been divinely guided here🧚🏻‍♀️

In Spiritual Astrology School, you will learn how to use astrology as the healing, empowering, spiritual tool that it truly is. To guide you in the evolution of your soul in this lifetime.

When you finish this program 6 months from now, you may even feel you speak a whole new language! That's the level of depth you get in SAS.

One thing I'm told over and over again in client readings is that they feel like I'm speaking to their souls. And now in Spiritual Astrology School, I'm showing you how YOU can give readings like this too!!

So whether you're an aspiring professional astrologer or you just feel called to deepen your astrology practice...

SAS is for you!! And I really hope you join us💖

Let's Break It Down

October Lessons: Fundamentals & the Essence of Birth Charts

This month you get an in depth, soul-centered look at spiritual astrology fundamentals. 10 hours of video lessons covering everything from the zodiac signs, personal planets, and houses-- to the incarnation cross and lunar nodes. Scroll below for a sneak peak. You also get a monthly group live for questions, chart practice,  community, and added support.

November Lessons: Diving Deeper and Blending Birth Charts

This month is for you to dive deeper and gain confidence with more advanced astrology topics (scroll below). You'll learn step by step how to blend these topics and skills into a spiritual astrology reading. You get 5 hours of video lessons this month.

December Lessons: Diving Deeper and Blending Birth Charts

You get another 5 hours of video lessons here, carrying on with more advanced astrology topics. You get more practice blending and reading charts spiritually. Mastering all these topics will also serve you when we add in divine timing.

January Lessons: Transits, Cycles of Change, & Divine Timing

You'll learn how to make sense of your divine timing with transits. How to do so in an empowering way that honors free will. NOT fatalism. To read transit charts with their deeper spiritual lessons and guidance in mind. This month is about 7.5 hours of video lessons.

February Lessons: Solar Returns & Progressed Luminaries

This month you learn two additional timing techniques. You learn step by step how to read solar return charts-- and how to work with the progressed luminaries. By blending this with transits, you'll be well equipped to read charts for divine timing with more accuracy and insight. You get 3 hours of video lessons this month.

March Lessons: Review, Integration, & Certificate 

You have an hour more of lessons on giving readings and our final live. You'll finish up the program and then submit your work for your certificate of completion.

Learn with Maxine!!🪐

Inside Spiritual Astrology School, you will learn everything you need to know to give empowering & soulful readings, all in one transformational 6 month program. As you can see, we cover A LOT!!

One Time Payment


Pay Over 10 Months


Do you have questions?

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions

Spiritual Astrology School

What You Get:

  • 6 month long program
  • Self paced video lessons (30+ hours broken up into more bite sized videos)

  • 6 group lives (one per month October to March)
  • connect with a group of beautiful souls!!!
  • Practice chart examples
  • Workbook exercises

  • Practice quizzes

  • Final exam at the end

  • Certificate of completion awarded to you upon completion of the program

  • Access to SAS community past, present, and future!!

If you've scrolled down this far...

The thing is, there are a lot of great do it yourself books and podcasts out there. And courses that tell you bits and pieces of astrology.

But with Spiritual Astrology School? You get the *whole* package!!

SAS is a comprehensive, one-stop-shop, 6 month program to read birth charts, transits, and more. With 30+ hours of video lessons (!!!) and group lives for questions, chart practice, community, and support.

You'll learn my exact method for reading astrology charts. I break it down for you, step by step. So by the end, you can finally blend it all together without feeling confused and frustrated.

You'll have what it takes to read astrology charts in a soul-centered, empowering, and impactful way.

AND you're getting it all in 6 months!! It is usually 4 months, but if you join this round you get 2 bonus months and 2 extra lives!!

You're getting SO MUCH value in this program, I've had students tell me it should be priced way more. Makes me cringe to say, but it's true🤣

So if you don't want to put off your astrology learning any more...

And you're READY to  fast track your learning and read charts in a soul-centered, HEART-centered, and empowering way...

And in 6 months you want to confidently call yourself an astrologer...

I'd love to have you join SAS this semester!!💓

xxx Maxine


Doors are now open!!! We officially start on October 1st, but you'll gain access to month one's lessons as soon as you join✨

Hope you can join us!! xxx

Payment Plan

SAS Testimonials

Read more on what SAS grads have to say!!🥺💓 And keep in mind, this could be you in just 6 months from now...

Elena D.

"When I first saw Maxine's post about joining SAS, I was hesitant. I already knew the basics of astrology, what else is there that I could have learned that I couldn't have looked up on Google or TikTok? Oh boy, was I wrong. The way Maxine structures SAS was amazing. Yes, you're learning the basics that you might already know, but you learn so much more on top of that. I think being able to understand karmic lessons and how they follow you through this lifetime is so important not only to yourself, but if you want to read for others. You understand a deeper meaning into every placement and aspect of your natal chart. You'll literally learn why you are the way that you are, the "good" and the "bad." (You'll learn nothing is actually just "good and "bad" either.) You'll be able to understand timing techniques (transits, solar returns, luminary progressions) in a spiritual way that can almost help you prepare and understand why certain energies might be affecting and entering your life. Maxine is so knowledgeable and sweet and you can definitely tell she has a passion not only for astrology, but for guiding people through their soul's journey. I am so honored and lucky to consider her a teacher. SAS is a beautiful community full of likeminded people and if you have opportunity to take this course, I can not recommend it enough. It's given me the confidence to speak about astrology and the confidence to take on reading for others, not only just to inform them about their placements, but to also help guide them through this lifetime."

Brooke W.

"I am so grateful for SAS. This program exceeded my expectations. Maxine has put together such a fun and professional program that is so digestible and has transformed my astrology knowledge and confidence. I am typically very thoughtful about where I make personal investments and I am so glad that I happened to be feeling very generous the day Maxine launched SAS. This has been by far one of the best personal investments I have ever made. The knowledge Maxine packed into this program would have taken years of self directed study and she has put it together in the most uplifting and inspiring package. I couldn't be more satisfied or grateful. Thank you so much Maxine!!


"I loved this program because Maxine goes straight to the point for each topic. Most astrology programs are very broad and they tend to confuse students even more. But Maxine teaches every astrological topic in a easy to comprehend way and also gives birth chart examples from famous people so that we can see the similarities in the chart. Loved that everything you may usually take 4 years to learn, here you will learned it in 4 months. 💖"

Yvonne U.

"This program was everything that I expected and more. I absolutely loved it!... If you are on the fence about joining SAS . . . jump in. I have studied with other astrologers in the past and Maxine brings in this spiritual and empowering lens to astrology. She is able to break down complex components of astrology in a way that is digestible and easy to understand. There are so many opportunities for grow through the SAS community, videos lessons, example charts, quizzes, workbook, and lives. I came into this program with a strong foundation and working knowledge of astrology. I have also given people readings before I started this program. I have seen a difference in the way that I read birth charts. I now read from soulful and spiritual perspective. My readings even feel more action packed and juicy from the knowledge that I have gained. People who have had their charts previously read by me have noticed the up-level and growth in my ability. Thank you Maxine for creating this program! It was such an honor to be your student!"

Sophie S.

"For anyone considering taking the leap into SAS, do it! I had already been studying astrology for a while, but wanted to really deepen my knowledge and chart reading abilities. From the beginning I knew I had made the right decision. Maxine teaches even the basics so deeply. This program would also be amazing for someone who has just discovered a passion for astrology too. As long as you commit wholeheartedly, you will get more out of this than you could imagine."



"The biggest thing I learned was to trust myself and my divine timing! This exceeded my expectations tenfold! At one point in the middle of the program, I was shocked by how much I had learned when there were still two months to go! It was a big investment for me and a leap of faith as I have never learned anything outside of academics... I wasn't really sure what I would learn about myself, but I feel like I took my understanding to a new level. We are always growing and evolving, but I've never felt so aligned and understood with all that I am, was, and still will become... I’m so glad I followed my heart. Astrology is a tool for inner exploration and a language that speaks to where our souls want to grow. After taking SAS, I have a skill that can guide me through the rest of my life. And you did such a good job organizing and teaching it!!!"

Stacey M.

"It's hard for me to put into words how life-changing Spiritual Astrology School was.  There was a lot of valuable information, and Maxine is such a warm and inspiring teacher.  I loved learning each module, and I feel like it gave me such a strong foundation for astrology.  I especially loved the focus on the karmic lessons, mission and purpose, as well as the empowered and positive approach that Maxine brings to the birth chart, aspects, and transits.  I've already recommended the program to friends of mine.  It's definitely worth the investment.  My heart swells with gratitude just thinking about how amazing this program was!"


"I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying SAS. This course has been what I was looking for and more. I absolutely love it. Thank you for creating such a comprehensive and inspiring, not to mention in depth, astrology course. Your teaching style makes everything, including complex elements, easy to understand and your generosity in sharing mountains of your knowledge is so appreciated."


"Don’t think twice! I was hesitant at first, as this is an investment and a commitment for four months when you already have a busy life, but you’ll make space for it because it is so good! I powered through the program as I was always excited for the next video or next topic. It’s packed with lessons, tutorials, celebrities examples, and all topics are approached in so much depth that it leaves you empowered. I already knew astrology through podcasts and books, but this is so vast, that I always felt overwhelmed when trying to put it all together! That’s what the program does for you, Maxine is an amazing teacher, a beautiful soul inside and out, and she always answered all of our questions throughout the program. This is truly the best investment I made for myself, so I would recommend this for anyone who wants to deepen their astrology knowledge and learn a new skill for life! This program has changed the way I approach my life, and it is so cool to see that the universe has your back, and that I am exactly where I need to be! 💖"

Rose L.

"There’s so much to learn from Maxine’s program - it is a really comprehensive! Her love and deep knowledge of astrology really comes through in a powerful way. I feel lucky to have learned from someone who is so positive and has a real knack for breaking down some very complex information into digestible parts. There is a real focus on putting things together and using the information practically - she really is an extraordinary teacher! I’m very grateful for the experience."

Anne L.

"Do you love learning about astrology but often get lost in the millions of answers and interpretations on the internet? Do you want to understand how to read a birth chart and understand what it means when planets move through zodiac signs? Well this is the course! SAS exceeded my expectations when it came to the extent of knowledge that was introduced, the many chart examples, the in depth meanings behind houses and planets, this course gives you the introduction you need to feel confident looking at a birth chart and the knowledge to start your own astro readings or join in depth conversations. I went from not knowing much about astrology to know being confident that I can look at a birth chart and be able to help someone who needs some guidance. I am so happy this course came into my life when it did and will use this information forever. The teacher of the course is able to breakdown the meanings of things, gives many examples and is able to inspire you to deep dive into more. Her passion is contagious which makes this course even more magnificent!"

Lucinda H.

"If you are serious about astrology and you want to get to grips of how to actually go about reading your birth chart (and others), this is the course for you. Maxine has a gift for making the challenging seem simple with her very practical lessons and guides to interpreting not only your birth chart, but transit charts and solar returns, while never forgetting the truly spiritual side of the practice. Incredibly thorough and well thought out, this course will leave you feeling well equipped to take your astrology out into the world. Thank you Maxine."


"SAS was such a comprehensive course that accelerated my learning of astrology so much! I initially thought I might not have enough prior knowledge to be able to follow the lessons, but the course is designed in such a way that you would learn all the components that you need in order to read a birth chart, without requiring any certain level of knowledge because Maxine breaks everything down so clearly and simply. I see some astrology courses out there that might feel quite intimidating or are only for those who have decided to be serious practitioners, so I love how Maxine made this feel more accessible and fun to keep up with, yet giving us to be confident in interpreting a chart."

Elisavel G.

"This course is very detailed and you can tell the amount of effort Maxine took to really bring this to life. Not only that but she’s able to really explain topics in a way that’s digestible and easy to understand/comprehend. Definitely worth every penny! Really enjoyed this program."

Kayla A.

"It's not just about learning astrology; it's about learning to trust yourself as an astrologer. Maxine provides SO much and MORE. Exploring timing techniques was my favorite part of the program, especially solar return charts and progressions. These tools opened up a whole new dimension in my astrology practice. In the end, SAS not only sharpened my astrology skills but also boosted my confidence in ways I never imagined possible. If you're considering SAS, take the leap. You won't regret it!"

Elena H.

"This course has been so helpful in my astrology journey. Maxine explains everything in so much detail and makes it easy to digest, she was born to teach because I truly peeled everything was answered thoroughly and beautifully. I wish I can express more gratitude so if you were planning to work with Maxine in any way I highly recommend. Just all around lovely soul."

Karoline W.

"This course have been a wonderful experience! It takes you through astrology from the very beginning (introduction to each sign), all the way up to the more advanced timing techniques! Maybe the biggest advantage that I REALLY LOVED was that you'll get access to the course for a FULL year. For busy career ladies (me!!, other Caps out there??) or busy mamas, this was GOLDEN. Work got the better of me mid-way through the course, but no fear. Maxine was so understanding and helpful, checked in on me when she saw I stopped for a bit, and reminded me + encouraged me to keep going. I only finished the course close to the 1 year mark, but I needed that time, and it even helped me go back, re-watch stuff, digest even more, look into those bits that was most difficult (and then it clicked, even though it didn't 6 months ago), and all in all, it was a beautiful experience. Thank you, Maxine!! "

Louise S.

"I would whole heartedly recommend Maxine's SAS course to anyone who is looking to deepen their knowledge of astrology in a way that is linked to karmic purpose and soul evolution. Maxine's care and warmth comes across in every video and the information provided is detailed but structured in a way to make it all very manageable. The timeframes provide motivation to achieve the certification at the end and there's lots of support along the way. I leave the course feeling confident in the knowledge and skills I've gained and looking forward to putting it all into practice. Thank you Maxine for putting such a wonderful course into the world with such integrity!"

Becky L.

"SAS way surpassed my expectations. The amount of content in this program is massive. I learned SO much but never felt overwhelmed by the amount of learning - it was broken up in a way that felt manageable... I honestly can't recommend it enough for anyone that wants to be stronger in their astrology skills... I just want to say that this course has been life changing for me. I had so many a-ha moments throughout and it has inspired me to live more authentically. It validated and confirmed so much for me and I feel so blessed that because of you and this course, I now have the confidence to share astrology with others. Thank you for creating SAS and changing my life."

Sue L.

"S.A.S is the best program if you want to learn astrology! I had taken 2 online astrology courses prior to finding S.A.S. One was completely online, no lives and the other was totally live for 6 weeks. From those, I knew some astrology, but I did not feel confident enough to really delve into my own birth chart let alone help others. S.A.S completely changed this! I am now able to read and understand my charts as well as read birth charts, solar returns and progressed charts for others. The curriculum is well organized with lots of visuals and explanations to help you. It's intense, but very doable. And I cannot say enough about Maxine. She is a teacher through and through!! She creates a space that is safe and ecouraging, yet challenging as well. I will gladly take any course she offers!!"

Rehanon M.

"I loved the course from beginning to end and I think it's a testament to the quality and approach of it that despite going through a crazy busy period in my life I was still able to complete it. Albeit a few months later than planned. This says a lot because before when life has taken over I've not stuck with courses I have bought but with SAS I've genuinely been enthralled and I've now read for several friends and colleagues who refuse to believe I haven't been doing this for years. Plus the understanding and compassion for myself and all my wonkiness has grown exponentially. I really can't recommend SAS enough. Thank you!"

Danielle B.

"SAS has been truly life changing for me. Maxine is incredibly generous and knowledgable - the course feels like a friend is walking you through every step in huge depth. I had SO MANY lightbulb moments. If you are called to dive deep into astrology (no prior knowledge necessary), this is the course for you. Prepare to not just learn about signs, houses, planets, aspects but develop a whole new perspective and learn a new skill for life, all whilst having so much fun!!"

Kristy M.

"This course has provided me with a plethora of knowledge and tools to build my spiritual practice. It has allowed me to gain more confidence in my ability to trust my intuition and practical skills of reading charts. It has been the most informative course I have taken so far [and I have taken a few...]. Maxine is kind and knowledgable; she makes everything easy to understand. I can't recommend this enough if you want to further your understanding or just have a passion for learning more."

Hannah C.

"I came into Spiritual Astrology School with an intermediate level of astrology knowledge, but really wanted to deepen my understanding. I now feel SO much more confident and knowledgeable both in birth chart reading and transits!! Maxine over-delivers in this program, and her enthusiastic, compassionate personality shines through in every single video & assignment. She is clearly incredibly passionate about astrology and SAS demonstrates this passion in such a beautiful way. Would highly highly recommend this course!!!"

If this is speaking to your soul...

Really hope you join!!

I'd love to have you be part of SAS😊

✨I'M IN✨
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