$29.00 USD

Terms and Conditions


By purchasing and participating in this course, and being on this website, Client and the Astrologer agree as follows:


This CLIENT-ASTROLOGER AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), entered into today (the “Effective Date”), sets forth the arrangement between you (“Client”) and MAXINE LUZIA LLC (the “Astrologer”), where Astrologer agrees to provide astrological and other related services for Client under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement for the course (the “Course”) purchased.


Services and Program​:

Astrologer agrees to provide services to you through this Course. The Course includes access to an online suite of pre-recorded video lessons and other digital content. Astrologer does not guarantee any results from the Course and Client understands and accepts their learning is their responsibility. This Course is meant to provide insight into Client’s astrology chart. This is not to be confused as a replacement for any sort of therapy or legal, medical, or other professional advice. Rather, these services are meant for thought provoking ideas and/or conversations to help Client self-reflect and inspire Client to maximize their potential. Astrologer uses astrology as well as other knowledge and experience to help provide insights into Client’s chart.



1) Astrologer agrees to maintain a high level of ethics and standards of behavior. 

2) Client is responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, psychological and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, Client agrees that Astrologer is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by Astrologer. Client understands the services provided is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. 

3) Client understands that the services provided by Astrologer are not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, Astrologer will recommend that Client inform the mental health care provider. 

4) Client is responsible for providing accurate birth information (exact date, time, and place of birth) if required. Exact birth information is very important for the astrological services and creating Client’s chart(s). Client is responsible for providing Astrologer with accurate birth information.

5) In the case of taking a Course, the Client agrees that completion of the Course is their sole responsibility and dependent on how they choose to manage their time. The purchase of the Course does not in any way guarantee that the Client will complete the Course.


Scheduling and Fees​:

This service agreement is valid upon purchasing the Course. Client will receive a confirmation email after purchase. No email confirmation means no purchase has been made.


Refund Policy:

The Course chosen by Client is non-refundable once a payment is scheduled. Should unexpected circumstances arise, special provisions can be made at only the sole discretion of Astrologer. Astrologer reserves the right to revoke access to the Course at any time on her sole discretion and refund Client for services not rendered upon Astrologer’s sole discretion.



Client must pay for the full amount of the Course they purchase. If Client selects the monthly payment plan option, Client will make the first payment upon purchase and automatically be billed monthly until all payments have been made. If Client does not make the scheduled monthly payment, Astrologer will revoke Client’s access to the Course immediately without having to notify Client. If Client does not finish the full payments of the Course, Client understands and accepts they forfeit access to Course immediately and will not receive a refund.


Courses Policy:

Upon purchase of Course, the non-refundable policy applies. Client understands that all Course purchases are 100% non-refundable upon purchase. Client accepts that they will only have access to the Course materials for the duration described at the time of purchase and it is their responsibility to manage their time to finish the Course in time. If Client does not complete the Course during that time frame, Client understands and accepts that they will not get extended access to the Course materials. Astrologer reserves the right to determine at their own discretion if Client can be granted extended access to the material or not. If there is a live component and Client is unable to attend, Client accepts that they will have access to a recorded version instead if that is available. Astrologer reserves the right to determine if this is possible or not.



Astrologer reserves the right to withdraw Client from any Course at any time, for any reason the Astrologer deems valid.



ASTROLOGER DOES NOT PROVIDE HEALTHCARE SERVICES TO CLIENT. Astrologer does not claim to and will not be held responsible for diagnosing, treating, or curing any physical or mental health condition. Under no circumstance, should Client stop seeing his or her team of healthcare professionals. If Client decides to take action based on the services he or she receives from Astrologer, Client does so at his or her own risk. Client understands and acknowledges that Astrologer is not providing professional mental health services. None of the information provided in connection with the services shall be construed to constitute medical, psychological, financial or accounting, legal or other professional advice; Astrologer urges Client to consult with an appropriate licensed professional to seek any such advice.


Ownership of Materials

Astrologer’s information and any and all materials, including video, audio, and written content, shared with you by Astrologer at any time during the term of this Agreement or at any other time whether verbal or written physically or electronically, are the property of the Astrologer. Client understands and accepts that any unauthorized reproduction, use, or appropriation of any such materials will be subject to applicable trademark, copyright, and intellectual property laws. Any authorized reproduction, use, or appropriation of any such materials must bear the name and ownership credit of the Astrologer, in the sole discretion of the Astrologer.



Course material and any live components are NOT to be recorded by Client. Client’s birth chart may be kept on Astrologer’s password protected services for future readings with Client. If Client wants their information deleted, Client can email Astrologer to ask for it to be removed and Astrologer will do so. All information (written or verbal) that the Client shares with Astrologer as part of the product offering(s) is confidential but is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like in Medicine or Law). Astrologer agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to Client without Client’s consent, either during or after the termination of the contract. Astrologer will not disclose Client’s name as a reference without Client’s consent.

Confidential information does not include information that: 

(a) was in the Astrologer’s possession prior to its being furnished by Client; 

(b) is generally known to the public or in Client’s industry; or

(c) according to the ethics of our profession, topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared for training, supervision, mentoring, evaluation, marketing, further professional development, and/or consultation purposes. Or if Astrologer is being sued; or

(d) If Astrologer feels Client’s case is something that needs urgent medical or legal attention or if Client threatens to end their life or that of someone else, Astrologer will inform the relevant authorities and Astrologer does not need Client’s permission to do so. Astrologer will inform Client of who they have contacted if they do so.


Limited Liability​:

Astrologer makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied. In no event will Astrologer be liable to Client for consequential or special damages. Notwithstanding any damages that Client may incur, Astrologer’s entire liability under this agreement, and Client’s exclusive remedy, will be limited to the amount paid by Client to Astrologer under this agreement for all services rendered up until the termination date.


Service Disclaimers:

The information and astrological or other interpretations provided during the Course are for informational and entertainment purposes only. By agreeing to receive the services and interpretations entailed, you agree to release Astrologer from any and all liability with regard to the contents and/or information received.

By requesting services, products, advice, or any information from Astrologer, you agree that it all is to be considered a curio and entertainment on your behalf. Advice or content may or may not influence your decisions and/or behavior. You agree that by purchasing the Course you take full responsibility for any and all consequences acted upon in utilizing the information provided.

Astrologer is not providing any type of legal, medical, business, religious, personal, or financial advice. Information, forecasts, predictions and life or business trends provided by Astrologer should not be taken as advice and are for informational and entertainment purposes only. Astrologer in no way suggests infallibility where forecasts are concerned and therefore rescinds liability for any personal, business, financial, or health actions and/or decisions made by Client based on information received from Astrologer. Astrologer is also not providing any psychiatric, psychological, or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For questions of a medical nature please consult an appropriate doctor or medical professional. Financial or speculative queries should be referred to expert, licensed financial advisors.  Legal questions should be referred to a licensed attorney in your state.

If for political, cultural, or social reasons astrology and/or esoterica and metaphysics of any kind is illegal in your locality, by receiving astrological information and the associated services or products from this Site, you agree that you do so of your own free will and that you will not hold Astrologer culpable or responsible in any way for any legal ramifications, which you might incur as a result.



This agreement supersedes any agreements, either oral or written, between the parties hereto, and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto. Any modification of this agreement will be effective only if agreed to in writing by Astrologer. This agreement is executed in Wyoming on the day and year of Client’s purchase.

Positive Energy Affirmations Meditation

Change your thoughts, change your world.

Train your mind to have a positive mindset with this uplifting guided meditation.

(Get immediate access and listen now!!)

The thoughts you think create your reality.

And the good news? You can choose your thoughts-- like any skill, it takes time and consistent practice to master, but it's true!

And you can retrain your mind to have a positive mindset!!

At any age. At any time.✨

It's why I created this meditation for you!!

This meditation is 12 minutes long and contains peaceful, uplifting music and positive energy affirmations to program your subconscious mind and guide you throughout your day.

I recommend listening to this every morning for at least 30 days.

And then return back to this whenever you need to recenter.

You can listen first thing when you wake up, in meditation, while you stretch, sip your coffee/tea, go on a walk, get ready for the day, wash dishes, go to work, etc.

(PS I actually adapted this from one of my own personal meditations I created for myself. You will love it!!)

Can't wait to have you listen in!!!💓🪐💭🧚🏻‍♀️✨