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Capricorn Full Moon & Transit Update🌕 (June 22, 2024) Meaning in Astrology & 5 Spiritual Messages✨

Episode #37

Your twice monthly astrology update is here for the upcoming full moon in capricorn and the transits around this time!! This capricorn full moon will be exact on June 21st or 22nd, 2024-- depending on where you live in the world. In this episode, Maxine updates you on this capricorn full moon and what its deeper spiritual meaning is for you. She shares the key themes and 5 spiritual messages of this particular capricorn full moon for you to contemplate, and gets into tips of what to be mindful of or avoid during this time. And she also gets into other current transits in aspect which are influencing this particular full moon such as the trine to mars now in taurus, the summer solstice the day prior, the out of sign square to neptune in pisces, saturn in pisces too and about to station retrograde, etc. So you'll learn about the upcoming capricorn full moon energy and how this lunar energy is influencing you now, but also other key transits around this time. Check back in the week leading up to the cancer new moon on July 5th/6th for your next astrology update!

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