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LIBRA LUNAR ECLIPSE - 5 Spiritual Messages🌝 (March 25th, 2024) What does this mean for you?

Episode #29

Want to know what the libra lunar eclipse on March 25th means for you? What the deeper spiritual messages are for you? In this episode, Maxine breaks down what you need to know and explains the 5 key messages of the libra lunar eclipse. First, she gives you a little eclipses 101 in case you're new to astrology or need a refresh. And then she gets into why this particular libra lunar eclipse on March 25th is so special in bringing you insights, clarity, and change into your life. After that, she gets into the 5 key spiritual messages of this lunar eclipse in libra. So no matter your zodiac sign or birth chart, this will be relevant for you. Listen with your heart and intuition and feel into this episode. Which libra lunar eclipse message spoke to your soul? Comment below!!

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