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The Lunar Cycle🌓 Align & Manifest with the Moon's Cycle & Phases

Episode #18

In today's episode of Your Spiritual Astrologer, you're learning all about the moon and her lunar cycle!! What is your connection to the moon and her lunar wisdom? How can you align with the moon's lunar cycle? What is the deeper spiritual meaning of each moon phase? And how can you align with and manifest with this lunar cycle to create your dream reality? Maxine answers all these questions and more in this episode. It's a juicy one!! Be sure to check out her Monthly Moon Membership if you're ready to work with this lunar cycle more in depth every new moon and full moon. And of course to learn how to read astrology charts in a more in depth, empowering, and soul-centered way-- check out Spiritual Astrology School below!! Would love to have you join the next semester💖

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