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The 12 Houses in Astrology Part 2: Houses 7 to 12

Episode #8

This is PART TWO on the houses in astrology. So please make sure you go back and first listen to part one if you want to listen in order to understand all 12 houses in your birth chart. First, Maxine gives you a brief introduction into the concept of polarity as it relates to the 12 houses. And then she walks you through each of the final houses one by one, from houses seven to twelve. She also scatters astrology tips and examples throughout so that you can take a look at your chart and begin to get a sense for which houses might be most important to you. At the end Maxine also addresses concerns about certain house placements you might feel anxious about and how to approach that from a spiritual perspective. And last but not least, she answers questions you wrote in over on Instagram about the houses including the topics of the angles, stellium, and empty houses. Make sure to follow Maxine on Instagram and check her stories for the weekly Astrology Q&A box.

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