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The 12 Houses in Astrology Part 1: Houses 1 to 6

Episode #6

In today's episode, you will learn all about the houses in astrology. First, Maxine gives you a brief introduction into the houses and what they signify in your chart. And then she walks you through each house one by one, from houses one to six. She also scatters astrology tips and examples throughout so that you can take a look at your chart and begin to get a sense for which houses might be most important to you. Note that this is part one on this topic of what the 12 houses mean in astrology. In the next episode on the 12 houses, you will learn what the rest of the houses in your chart signify and get answers to the questions you write in. Make sure to follow Maxine on Instagram and check her stories for the weekly Astrology Q&A box.

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